How to Wet Brine a Turkey
Brining a turkey will keep it moist and add some extra flavor. Keep this method a secret and people will always wonder why your turkey taste so much better than others.
  1. In a large pot, add 1/2 gallon of water
  2. Add 1 cut of salt, 1/2 cup of sugar, fresh rosemary to the pot of water
  3. Using the flat of a knife, slightly crack 4 cloves of garlic and add to water.
  4. Using a vegetable peeler, peel the outside of one orange and add to the water
  5. Bring the water to a boil and make sure the salt and sugar are completely resolved. Stir occasionally.
  6. Once salt and sugar are completely dissolved, remove from burner. Add ice to the water to help cool the mixture to room temperature.
  7. Once brine mixture has cooled, place cleaned turkey in brine bag and add brine mixture assuring most of the turkey is covered.
  8. Seal brine bag and refrigerate 12 to 24 hours.
  9. Before cooking, thoroughly rinse turkey and pat dry.
Recipe Notes

Note: Do not add any additional salt to your turkey when cooking it. The brine adds plenty of salt to your turkey.
Pan drippings will be very salty. If you are making gravy from the drippings use the drippings sparingly. 

Thank you to Whole Foods Market for providing this detailed video.